<- 41- 7 ->
Billbergia enderi is a synonym of:

<- Quesnelia lateralis Wawra
(subgen. Billbergiopsis)

Publ: Oest. Bot. Zeitschr. 30: 149 (1880)

Type: Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Serra dos Orgaos, s/data, Wawra II-315 (Holotype - W, perdido) ou estampa em Wawra, It. Sax. Cob. 152, t. 27. 1883.

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Distribution: BRAZIL; Rio de Janeiro

Habitat: rupicolous, saxicolous, terrestrial or less frequently epiphytic., 900 to 2100 m. Elev.

Phenology: The examined material indicates for Q. lateralis a flowering period throughout the year. Martinelli (1997) observed for this species, in the Reserva Ecologica de Macae de Cima, municipal district of Nova Friburgo, two flowering periods at an interval of 3 months, the first being between April and May and the second September to October. Fruits were recorded in April and September, and also, according to Martinelli (1997) in June and November.

Quesnelia lateralis